What’s New with Koda: Enhanced visual accessibility features

We believe that inclusive communication should be accessible to everyone. That's why last week we launched a new product update designed to enhance visual accessibility for our users. We have introduced two new features that will make conversations on Koda even more user-friendly and customizable: font size adjustment and color palettes for conversation bubbles.

One of the key aspects of effective communication is being able to read messages comfortably. With the new font size adjustment feature, users can now personalize the text size according to their preferences. Whether you prefer larger fonts for easier readability or smaller fonts for a more compact display, Koda allows you to customize the font size to suit your needs. This ensures a comfortable and accessible reading experience for all users.

To change the font size, go to the conversation session page or the history session page, click the settings button at the top corner, and select "-" or "+" to adjust the font size.

Below is an animated graphic that demonstrates how to do it.

animated graphic that demonstrates how to change the font size on Koda

Additionally, we recognize the importance of visual cues in communication in addition to font size customization. As part of our efforts to enhance the visual accessibility of conversations, we have introduced color palettes for conversation bubbles. Users now have the option to choose from a range of color schemes for their conversation bubbles. This feature enables individuals with visual disability or color preferences to distinguish between different speakers and messages more easily. The color palettes offer a personalized and visually engaging experience.

To change the conversation bubble color, go to the conversation session page or the history session page, click the settings button at the top corner, and click on one of the color palettes to change the color.

Below is an animated graphic that demonstrates how to do it.

GIF of how to change the color of the  conversation bubbles on Koda

We are committed to continuously improving the accessibility and usability of our platform, and these new features are just the beginning. We value feedback from our users, and your input has been instrumental in shaping these updates. As we strive to create a more inclusive communication experience, we will continue to explore new ways to enhance accessibility and empower our users.

We hope you find these additions valuable and enjoy a more visually accessible communication experience on Koda. Thank you for your continued support as we work towards a more inclusive future of communication!


Disrupting Ableism: Everyone has a disability


Don't stand in front of my interpreters.